Consolidate CBA and MOUs into booklet format for ease of understanding and use.
Advocate for proper manning on board all of our ships. Watch standers should not have to work up to and beyond the maximum allowable work/rest hours to operate the ship.
Continue to administer our contracts in a fair, consistent, and equitable manner.
Responsibly administer our plans to ensure retirees and future generations of MM&P members can rely on these benefits.
Reach out to new companies to further employment opportunities for our membership.
Leading advocate to protect our members from COVID-19 hazards.
Leading advocate to repatriate members and mariners generally on shuttle ships/gov contract ships.
Daily interactions with members/company administering MLL/E-Ships contracts.
Leading advocate in enforcing hours of work/rest legal and contractual requirements.
Kept on time contractual reliefs through out the COVID-19 pandemic for liner vessels.
Stepped in whenever possible to support members employed at Hapag-Lloyd.
Kept contractual PRO work during the COVID-19 pandemic by coming out early with PRO Covid-19 guidelines.
Advocated for and was successful in getting PRO work back in the ports of Savannah and Port Everglades to mitigate Work/Rest violations. (Pre-Covid)
Negotiating contract re-openers with SLNC, and Columbia U-Lamont-Doherty Research vessel.
Took initiative in seeing new work and supporting MM&P efforts both in Offshore and inland sectors with government contracts, Wind Farm and Inland harbor sectors.
Leading advocate on Board of Trustees to enhance health care and protect pension benefits
Advocated for LDOs on shuttle ships stuck overseas with Department of State, and their State Senators/Congressman.
Careful deliberation and timely responses to all inquiries on contract and grievance matters.
Productive relationship with all employers in resolving/adjusting grievances.
Reduced overhead cost in Union Halls.
Oversee hiring hall activities in Newark and Atlantic ports 7-days a weeks ensuring compliance with Shipping Rules and transparent practices in accordance with those rules.